So that’s it. After weeks of hard work we are happy to share with you the first pictures of SQUIDS: the preparatory work for characters and environments done by our Art Director Jerome. We hope you like it. The game is about a team of Squids that fate turns into the guardians of the Oceans, and who must protect their world from an upcoming threat: the Black Ooze. You will build an army of Squids to fight off zombie crabs and shrimps and live through an epic adventure. The game will release for iOS, PC and Mac. We are pretty impatient as we are preparing a Beta test for this summer so we can hear your feedback on the game and make the all the adjustments before it’s released in September. Stay posted as we will regularly release new information on the game. Or even better, register here for our newsletter so you won’t miss any news.
© Copyright The Game Bakers
Hello Gamebakers!
If you can…would you mind making alot of helmets from other characters like you did with link, Samus, Mario and Hastune. Maybe Sonic the Hedgehog or Pikmin maybe as a request?
Thank you!
Sean Medina