Furi Invincible mode lets players focus on the story or practice their run
- 29 August 2018
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Hi, We are launching today an update to Furi on Steam: the Invincible mode. In the vein of Soma‘s Safe mode or Celeste’s Assist mode, the Invincible mode is great for players who want to overcome a challenging fight to enjoy the audiovisual and narrative experience that is Furi. But it’s also perfect for gamers who want to practice their...
Squids Odyssey Switch available today!
- 5 July 2018
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That’s it, after our all-boss fighter Furi, it’s our first game, the tactical underwater RPG Squids Odyssey that is available on Nintendo Switch. We’re feeling a bit sentimental about bringing our very first game to the Switch, and a bit proud because we think the Switch is the best version so far....
We didn’t know it but Squids Odyssey was actually designed for the Switch!
- 21 June 2018
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We’ve been thinking about bringing the Squids to Switch as soon as we started working on Furi for Switch. That’s it, we’ve done it and our darling tactical underwater RPG Squids Odyssey will be launching on Nintendo Switch on July 5th. We believe the Switch version makes the game shine...
Offre de stage Level design / Level art
- 9 May 2018
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[POSTE REMPLI] Nous recherchons un ou une stagiaire en level design et level art pour notre prochain jeu consoles et PC. Poste : Stage conventionné Dates : De juillet à décembre 2018 (6 mois). Lieu : A distance ou à Montpellier Compétences : Création de topologie des niveaux, travail sur le flow de navigation Intégration...
Furi update on Steam with speedrun in Furier!
- 28 March 2018
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We just updated Furi on Steam with the official Furier Speedrun mode, with leaderboards. Update 1.4.116 is available for anyone who owns the DLC “One More Fight” (The Flame and Bernard are part of the speedrun). A whole new challenge awaits… We’re really looking forward to seeing the wonders...
Furi Artbook available now
- 27 February 2018
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Since Furi’s release, we have wanted to share with fans and videogame lovers the amazing work done by the Furi art team over the two years of development. Today we are happy to announce we have gathered it all in a beautiful artbook. In Furi Complete Artworks you will...
Furi Switch – Version differences
- 12 January 2018
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That’s it! Furi is available on Switch and that makes us very happy and proud. The players’ response so far is extremely positive and the press seems to validate the quality of the port. Some players asked if there was any differences with the other versions (PS4, XboxOne, PC). There...
Furi available today on Nintendo Switch
- 11 January 2018
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Today is a good day, Furi is out on Nintendo Switch!! Our content complete, challenging dash-and-slash adventure is available via the Nintendo eShop, priced at €19.99 /$19.99 /£17.99 . Find the game on the eShops in UK, US, France… Furi’s release on Nintendo Switch is entirely feature complete. The Nintendo Switch...
Furi confirmed for release on Nintendo Switch Thursday January 11th, 2018.
- 4 January 2018
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Furi is confirmed for release on Nintendo Switch next Thursday January 11th, 2018. Our content complete, challenging dash-and-slash adventure will be available via the Nintendo eShop, priced at €19.99 /$19.99 /£17.99 . Watch the game’s latest trailer here. Furi’s release on Nintendo’s console is entirely feature complete. The Switch edition includes the...
Boss fight on the Go! Furi is coming to Switch early 2018
- 30 November 2017
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Yeah, Furi is coming to Switch soon, early 2018. We have put a lot of effort in it, but we are very happy with the result!! The game looks and plays great! The Switch version will include all the content that has been released for Furi across all platforms...
Questions-Réponses sur l’industrie du jeu vidéo et les métiers
- 21 November 2017
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[English below] Tous les ans à cette période, je reçois des dizaines de candidatures d’élèves de 3ème qui veulent faire leur stage chez Game Bakers. Depuis quelques années j’ai aussi des demandes d’entretiens par des étudiants en IUT d’informatique, qui désirent poser des questions à un professionnel afin de...
Offre de stage – Artiste 3D
- 25 August 2017
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[***********************POSTE POURVU 30/08/2017***********************] Nous recherchons un.e stagiaire artiste 3D, dont la mission sera de modéliser, texturer et intégrer des props et environnements de notre prochain jeu console et PC sous Unity. Compétences : Modélisation 3D et texturing (plutôt pour du traitement non réaliste). Maitrise du pipeline graphique de Unity. Connaissance des contraintes et...