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Cairn – route competition
- 7 December 2024
- Non classé
You can climb anything, anywhere in Cairn. This means you will create your own unique route every time you climb Tenzen’s mountain ridge! Share your route with us to enter our route contest, and get a chance to win an exclusive Cairn carabiner Send two screenshots of your complete...
Haven – Share the love during the Community Week <3
- 14 February 2023
- Haven
Hello everyone, Over the last two years (time flies!), you have been sharing with us your stories playing Haven, how you thought Yu or Kay reminded you of people you knew, how some of you enjoyed playing the game with a partner, and how you were touched by their...
Job Offer – Marketing Manager
- 10 February 2023
- Non classé
We are looking for a Marketing Manager to become the market pulse and communication mind of our studio, connect our games to their audiences and amplify our reach and image. We have been self-publishing our games since the creation of our studio and our publishing team is now growing!...
Furi Community Week – Fan Art Winners Revealed!
- 29 November 2022
- Furi
Hello everyone, Thank you so much for participating in Furi community week and to the Furi fan art contest on the theme “Peace: what if Rider became friend with one (or several) guardians?”. We received many submissions and we were very impressed with your work! It’s inspiring for us...
Furi Community Week – Interview with Chris, CG Animator
- 11 November 2022
- Furi
Hello everyone, The community week is still going on! Today, we are happy to share an interview of Chris Hoareau, Lead Animator & Artist at The Game Bakers. To learn more about his work on Furi, read below! Hi Chris, can you present yourself and your job on Furi?...
Furi Community Week – Interview with The Toxic Avenger!
Hi Furist! We know how much you love Furi’s soundtrack, as we receive a ton of feedback about it. And it’s keeps going strong, and we regularly hear from players who discovered the game through its music! This community week is the perfect time to share some up-to-date data...
Furi – Community Week – Fan Art Contest
- 5 November 2022
- Non classé
Between November 5th and 11th, we are celebrating Furi’s amazing community with a lot of events and content. You can see all the details here. We are running a fanart contest on the theme “Peace: what if Rider became friend with one (or several) guardians?”. The fanart can take...
Furi – Community Week
Hello Furists! It’s been a good year for Furi with the launch of Onnamusha, bringing a new fighter to the game, and the update of the game. We’re always impressed by your continuous support over the years, and we thought it was a good time to celebrate you and...
Offre d’emploi en Level Design (poste pourvu)
- 11 October 2022
- Non classé
[POSTE POURVU] Game Bakers recherche un ou une Level Designer expérimentée pour le développement de notre prochain jeu d’action aventure sur PC et Consoles. Vous rejoindrez une équipe de 15 personnes, qui ont travaillé ensemble sur nos précédents projets et livrent des jeux de qualité, sans crunch et dans...
Offre d’emploi de gameplay programmer
- 27 June 2022
- Non classé
[Poste pourvu] Game Bakers recherche un programmeur ou une programmeuse gameplay expérimentée pour le développement de notre prochain jeu d’action aventure sur PC et consoles. Vous rejoindrez une équipe de 15 personnes, qui ont travaillé ensemble sur nos précédents projets et livrent des jeux de qualité, sans crunch et...
FURI – Patch Notes – June 21th 2022
- 21 June 2022
- Furi
Hello everyone, We hope you are well and that you enjoyed fighting the guardians with Onnamusha, as well as the last free update. We would like to thank you for all your support on Furi, it’s amazing to see how much you are involved with the game 6 years...
Rediscover Furi – Onnamusha Update
- 25 May 2022
- Non classé
Rediscover Furi: Furi Update & Onnamusha DLC The Onnamusha DLC will let you play as Onnamusha Rider, a powerful fighter that alternates between two stances: fast and agile or slower but lethal until she’s able to unleash the devastating power of the Star. The new gameplay mechanics bring new...
Furi Onnamusha DLC with a new Rider coming soon!
- 3 May 2022
- Furi
Hello everyone, We’ve read all the Furi fans messages and this request really stuck with us: “I wish I could forget Furi to discover it for the first time all over again”. We asked ourselves: how could we achieve that? Is there a way for players to rediscover Furi?...