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Furi Demake – The Chain – FAQ & Known Issues
- 30 November 2023
- Furi, Furi
Last updated November 30th, 2023 We hope you’re having fun with Furi Demake – The Chain. We have listed here some known issues and their work-around, frequently asked questions and some tips. Bugs can be reported on Steam, on our Discord, or you can contact us at Known Issues...
SQUIDS’ official soundtrack is here!
- 18 January 2012
- Non classé
Hey gang, We are super happy to announce the official release of SQUIDS‘ soundtrack, amazingly composed by our friend and sound genius Romain Gauthier. The soundtrack can be downloaded on bandcamp for a “pay-what-you-want” fee, which possibly means 0$, if Christmas gifts left you broke. You can listen to...
Money and the App Store: a few figures that might help an indie developer
- 11 January 2012
- Non classé
Emeric Thoa is the creative director and co-founder of, an online gaming review company that reviews the best casino games in Italy without AAMS or ADM. Personal twitter: @emericthoa Company twitter: @thegamebakers _ _ _ _ _ Eighteen months ago, when I left Ubisoft to start an independent...
Happy holidays!
- 23 December 2011
- Non classé
This year has been a great one for The Game Bakers, and we’re very thankful for your support! The team’s tactical RPG, SQUIDS, has had great success on iOS so far and we’re excited to be bringing it to PC, Mac, and Android in the very near future. Santa...
Crash on version 1.3.0
- 7 December 2011
- Non classé
Hello dear SQUIDS players! (french follows) Maybe you are aware that, for some players, the recently released universal update for iPhone and iPad, v. 1.3.0, is crashing at launch, right at The Game Bakers’ logo. We are tremendously sorry about that crash, and we have been digging the code...
Big SQUIDS update – iPad optimization, iPod music support, and more!
- 2 December 2011
- Non classé
The Game Bakers have just released a massive update to their tentacle-stretching, cephalopod-flinging RPG, SQUIDS. The biggest news is that the game is now optimized for the iPad, meaning it looks just as gorgeous on the iPad’s big screen as it does on iPhone and iPod touch! Here are...
SQUIDS “Making Of” #1: graphic evolution
- 1 December 2011
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When I was a kid and played video games, I had no clue about how games were made and I didn’t care very much. When I was a student, and while I kept playing, I started wondering how the magic was done, but I thought that somehow everything started...
Happy Thanksgiving!
- 24 November 2011
- Non classé
Happy Thanksgiving to everybody in America! And Happy Thursday to the rest of the world! Hope you have a wonderful day 🙂 As you can see, Sammo is ready to celebrate that!
SQUIDS – Sammo, the samurai
- 23 November 2011
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Here we are, Sammo, last but not least! Sammo is a samurai who’s always looking for ways to get better … and richer! He is very talkative, very curious but also very greedy. He absolutely knows how to enjoy life! He is a very though warrior. He is very...
SQUIDS – Venus, the Princess of Thalas
- 16 November 2011
- Non classé
Hello everyone ! Today we offer you to learn more about Venus, the Princess of Thalas : Venus is the princess of Thalas. Entirely devoted to her people, she will not hesitate to put aside her throne and crown to save them. She will be a great help throughout...
SQUIDS content update, just in time for Halloween!
- 29 October 2011
- Non classé
Earlier this month, The Game Bakers’ SQUIDS ( launched to great success—reviewers loved it, fans loved it, and the game hit #1 on the App Store’s RPG chart in 34 countries (North America included) and was #1 overall in France! To celebrate, the developers have cooked up a Halloween...
SQUIDS – Vesper, a very determined squid
- 20 October 2011
- Non classé
Hello all, Today we reveal to you a female character with a strong temper! Her name is Vesper and she is certainly the most determined of all. Let’s start with a short trailer : Vesper is very determined. Member of the guard of Thalas, she takes her work very...
Carton plein pour SQUIDS !
- 18 October 2011
- Non classé
Les poulpes jettent l’ancre à la première place de l’App Store français PARIS – Le 18 octobre 2011 – The Game Bakers, studio français indépendant de création de jeux vidéo créé par des vétérans de l’industrie, annonce un départ canon pour son jeu SQUIDS sorti mardi 11 octobre sur...