From the Bakery #4 – Haven Demo and more!

Posted by on 12.12.19
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Haven demo available for 48 hours

For the occasion of The Game Awards that take place later today, Valve is launching a « Game Festival« : a special event featuring a collection of game demos available for 48 hours on Steam. Haven was invited to be part of it! You can download the demo until Saturday December 14th, don’t miss it.

The demo features the very beginning of the game, to get to know our two lovers stranded on a forgotten planet. But before you start your journey with Yu and Kay, here is some information to keep in mind:
  • The demo is beta stage, not final quality
  • The demo is single-player only (the final game supports local co-op)
  • A controller is recommended (keyboard and mouse controls are very work in progress)
  • English, French and Japanese languages are supported (change in Pause menu).
  • It’s the demo some of you already played at PAX West, TGS, Indie X or XO19.
Have fun, and we’re looking forward to your feedback on Discord, Twitter or on Steam.

Haven – Awards & Nominations

We are delighted that Haven won some more awards! The jury of Indie X (Portugal’s biggest indie game showcase) elected Haven as Best Game of the Show and as Best Art Direction. These awards join the previous awards and nomination for Haven.

Haven – Xbox Game Pass

To the Xbox and Windows lovers among you, here is an extra piece of good news. We have partnered with Microsoft to include Haven in Game Pass.  Haven will be available Day One for those of you who have subscribed to Game Pass. This was announced during XO Fest 2019 in London, some of you might have noticed.

The team at Microsoft has fallen for Haven and thought the game was a great addition to their line up. We agree! We know they will be supportive partners and help us spread the word about the game. It means that you should be able to play Haven on ID@Xbox booths in upcoming shows around the world. As soon as we have more details to share, we will let you know.

The game is coming 2020 to PC, Switch, Xbox One and PlayStation.
The consoles / stores list is not final.

Furi – Music to Your Ears Bundle

The Music To Your Ears Bundle is available on Steam It’s just the perfect compilation for those of you who love games with amazing soundtracks! Furi is proudly featured in the bundle along legendary games:

  • Bastion and soundtrack
  • Celeste and soundtrack
  • Crypt of the NecroDancer and soundtrack
  • The Messenger and soundtrack
  • And of course Furi and its soundtrack

You can add any of the games or their soundtracks to your collection with an extra 20% off.
A big thumb’s up to Simon « Hutt » Troussellier for the amazing artwork he drew for the bundle.

To discuss further, or to give us feedback, head to our Discord server.

Offre d’emploi – Responsable de gestion

Posted by on 11.06.19
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Nous recherchons un·e responsable de gestion pour assurer la gestion quotidienne de notre studio.

Poste : Freelance ou Contrat de travail à temps partiel (mi-temps)

Dates : A partir de janvier 2020

Lieu : A distance ou au studio de Montpellier

Mission :

En lien direct avec la présidente du studio, assurer la gestion courante du studio au niveau administratif, financier et ressources humaines.

Administratif et financier

  • Paiement des employés, prestataires et fournisseurs
  • Suivi des encaissements, facturation et du tableau de bord des opérations
  • Coordination mensuelle avec notre expert-comptable et préparatifs pour les comptes annuels
  • Mise à jour des tableaux de bord de suivi des ventes de nos jeux
  • Préparation de documents financiers (budget, analyse de rentabilité …)
  • Amélioration des processus de suivi (outils et tableaux de bords)
  • Gestion quotidienne du studio et achats courants
  • Gestion des prestataires de services généraux

Ressources humaines

  • Suivi des contrats et informations des salariés et prestataires
  • Coordination avec notre expert-comptable pour la gestion des payes
  • Prendre part aux processus de recrutement, de formation et autres domaines RH
  • Assurer le suivi d’une partie de la législation du travail
  • Gestion des prestataires de services sociaux (mutuelle, …)

Expérience :

Nous recherchons une personne avec de l’expérience opérationnelle dans ces domaines, pas forcément sur tous les points, n’hésitez pas à postuler. Une grande facilité avec les chiffres et les tableurs est vraiment nécessaire, et aussi une bonne autonomie, de la rigueur, un bon reporting et beaucoup de bonne humeur.

Rémunération : Selon expérience

Pour postuler : CV et un petit mot à

Merci de vos candidatures !


From the Bakery #3 – Back from the shows!

Posted by on 09.26.19
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Haven – Back from the shows

It was a blast to show Haven at Gamescom, PAX West and Tokyo Game Show. We had a playable demo, featuring the beginning of the game. It was great to meet with some of you there, but for those of you who didn’t get the chance to play, here’s a 5 mn extract from the demo. Have a look of the best moments from the demo.

Thank you to everyone that came to play the game and shared their impressions. Haven has received a few accolades and awards during the shows:

Here’s a few of quotes from the previews and coverage about the game:

  • « Boasting a gorgeous art style, a world steeped in mystery and intrigue, and a premise so affecting it’s surprising to consider how fresh it is, Haven is an RPG like none before it. » Gamespot
  • « In the demo I played, the little touches went a long way. (…) Soaring, tumbling, and freewheeling through a not-quite-endless diamond sky felt good. It was exhilarating, but also chill« . Kotaku
  • « Haven‘s combat is a system that has a lot of potential to be pretty cool, and I can’t wait to see what more it offers. Combine that with some great writing, awesome music, and a nice visual style, and Haven is ticking all the boxes. » Tech Raptor
  • « Haven quite masterfully encapsulates the warm feel of being in love, of having to rely on and be relied on by another person. (…) Haven is an odd step forward, but one that works with such a stirring beauty to both its presentation and gameplay. » Goomba Stomp
  • « We really love what Haven is going for. A co-op, narrative RPG with sassy, fully voiced characters is something we think would get a lot of love out of your two Joy-Cons.«  Nintendo Life 

Pictures from our stands on the different shows (top left our booth at PAX West on Indie Mega Booth, top right Gamescom, bottom left Haven at The Mix during PAX, bottom right Haven at Tokyo Game Show):

Haven – Wallpapers

When showing the game we had an amazing reception for … our loading screens! They made players smile and comment. We designed the loadings screens around the idea of Yu and Kay’s « First times »: the first times they kissed, made love, fought, or found themselves in those very simple yet special moments when you’re with someone you love and loves you back.
There was a lot of demand for them as posters, stickers… So we’ve gathered some of those artworks as wallpapers to make your desktop smile!
Go here to download the wallpapers in high resolution.



Haven – Goodies

For the shows we also produced some of Haven first goodies: posters, stickers, cards. Mylène even got herself some prototype Haven tee-shirts. You also might remember that we developed some nice goodies for Furi: tee-shirts, vinyl, posters, artbook… you can refresh your memory here:
We’d love to hear your thoughts about the must have goodies you’d like to see for Haven. Don’t hesitate to get in touch or join our Discord server to share your thoughts.

The Red String Clubs

We fell in love with Deconstructeam‘s game The Red Strings Club. We loved the game so much we made a lovely Switch version. If you like a good cyberpunk story that will move you and make you think, or have always wanted to be a bar tender: the game is for you.
Give it a try!  Here on Switch, or here on Steam

Playtesters wanted!

If you are in France, Montpellier, and would like to participate in Haven’s playtests, you’re in luck as we are looking for new players. The playtest sessions last about 2 hours and will take place until the end of the year. You’re welcome even if you are not a French speaker.
Apply directly by writing to
More info here:

Thank you

We’ve been amazed by the fan arts from this community and we received the first fan art for Haven! We can’t share them all, but thank you to all of you who made some art inspired by one of our games. You are so talented!






















Yu by Katsuvy (ordered by Mantra)


Rider by A-Ryno // Rider by xShibito

Gender bending Rider Nikoneda‏ @Game_B

To discuss further, or to give us feedback, head to our Discord server.

Haven – Gameplay reveal

Posted by on 07.09.19
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We’re happy to finally disclose more about our upcoming RPG Haven with a full gameplay trailer!

Share the journey of two lovers, escaped to a lost planet in a desperate attempt to stay together. Glide over the grasslands of a shattered planet, unraveling its mysteries to find a way to settle for good.

And if you are curious on why we created Haven after Furi? Emeric Thoa, co-founder and Haven creative director explains a bit of the decisions and intentions behind the game. Read his blog post here:

Also, we’re happy to announce Haven is coming to PC, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch (full list of platforms and stores not final) and that we will have a DEMO at Gamescom (media only) and PAX West so get in touch if you’re a journalist or content creator and you’d like to test the game.

— Full press release below

Haven gameplay reveal

The Game Bakers unveil more details on their upcoming RPG Haven with a full gameplay trailer and a demo at Gamescom and PAX West.

Montpellier July 9th 2019,

In Haven, you share the journey of two lovers escaped to a lost planet in a desperate attempt to stay together. You play as Yu and Kay, gliding over the grasslands of a shattered planet, unravelling its mysteries looking for a way to settle down.

“Haven is a very accessible RPG, a relaxing game. It’s purposefully a very different experience from Furi.” writes Emeric Thoa, the game creative director. “But as with Furi, we tried to make a game that you have never experienced before. The story of a couple fighting for their freedom, an established relationship: what love looks like when you’ve moved past the early seduction phase, when you can be your true self with one another… I don’t think that’s been done much in video games.

Haven is a story-rich adventure, with touching characters with whom you fall in love as you follow them through their challenges and everyday life. But it’s also a (J)RPG with an innovative combat system that lets you play the two characters at the same time, and chain actions using tactics and timing. “It’s a game with many inspirations, but to sum it up, I like to say Haven is kind of the lovechild of Journey meets Persona” details Emeric Thoa in his blog post about the game experience and influences.

The colorful and dreamy art direction of the light science fiction world of Haven is coming to life thanks to an original electro soundtrack by Danger, with a range of tracks that will carry players from the energy of a sunny morning to the tension of a fight in the mountains at night.

Haven is a solo game at its core, but at any time, a second player can jump in locally. Players can then share a moment of exploration and progression together.

The game will be available for PC, PS4 and Switch, and the complete platforms plan is not final. A demo will be playable at Gamescom (media only) and PAX West, contact us to book an appointment.

Key info and sites:

From the Bakery #1

Posted by on 05.03.19
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Haven – Yu & Kay design

Haven is about two lovers escaping to a forgotten planet. Character Artist Koyorin joined our team to design the characters and their complete range of expressions. Their art is a perfect fit for Haven because they manage to communicate a lot of nuances in the characters expressions, even in a simple portrait.

Research for Yu and Kay’s everyday life on Haven – by Koyorin

Koyorin – Mini Interview

Hi, I’m Koyorin. I’m a freelance character designer and illustrator, and I’ve had the pleasure of working with The Game Bakers as their character artist for Haven.

– What makes a good character design?
From a purely subjective standpoint, the most effective character designs to me are the ones that are not over-designed and mostly avoid functionless parts or patterns. While I’m not a purely function over form person myself, I do think there’s a threshold for that haha. A design being both simple and effective helps it to be more memorable, in my opinion.

– Can you tell us a little bit more about the design of Yu and Kay?
It was intended to carry the look of “researchers”, hence the primarily white outfits which were mean to be reminiscent of a lab coat, or people who work in a research environment. And yet, they also needed to have the look of “otherworldly” and “adventurous”, which were aspects I took into consideration when creating their overall designs. A few early drafts of them were even more otherworldly and even somewhat alien-like, but we reeled it back to keep them in more relatable territory.

– What is your secret to make them touching?

When I draw people by themselves or interacting, I think subtleties say a lot about a character’s feelings and inner mood. A lot can be said with very little, and on certain occasions, even subduing things says as much about the mood as exaggeration does. Body language and gestures are very useful tools for this purpose.

– Who are your favorite character designers?
A few of my personal favourite character designers are Akihiko Yoshida, Hideo Minaba, Rui Tomono, Shigenori Soejima, Shunsuke Saito, Yusuke Kozaki, Yuya Nagai, and many more! I also love a lot of illustrators who don’t necessarily focus on character design (or even characters!) but the list could then go on for a long time haha.

More of Koyorin’s work on Twitter Instagram Artstation or their Patreon

Haven – The first time we…

Yu and Kay are already together when you start the game. They have lived a lot of adventures as a couple before. In particular they’ve been through the first times that are never forgotten in a relationship: the first kiss, the first fight, the first night…
Here’s their first pillow fight, it wasn’t the last!

Feel like changing your wallpaper? We will make the First Time Pictures available here in wallpaper format. The Pillow Fight is already available.

Check the timelapse video below to see how the art was drawn.

Furi – Freedom Update 

On April 4th, we released the Freedom Update for Furi: a free update available on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and With the update we brought features and content developed for Furi over the last months to players on all platforms.

What to expect with the update:

  • PS4Invincible Mode, Speedrun in Furier, Controls D. (You already have Bernard if you own Furi Definitive Edition or Furi and its DLC One More Fight)
  • Switch: Invincible Mode, Controls D. (You already have Bernard and Speedrun in Furier).
  • Xbox One: Bernard as extra boss, Invincible Mode, Speedrun in Furier, Controls D, replace HUD option.
  • GoG.comInvincible Mode, Speedrun in Furier, Controls D. (You already have Bernard if you own Furi and its DLC One More Fight).
  • SteamAll this content as already been made available to you over the last months. (You already have Bernard if you own Furi Definitive Edition or Furi and its DLC One More Fight)
  • Limited Run for the physical versions on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4, game and Collector Edition: same update as the one of the respective console.

More info here:

Thank you for your work!

We’ve been amazed by the fan arts from this community. We can’t share them all, but thank you to all of you who drew or made something inspired by one of our games. You are so talented!

                                Rider by space_algae

            The stranger – Graphiti by zillington, what_is_funk & sean.savant

Rider by demik109                                         

Rider by gladiskstudio 

What’s next?

The next From The Bakery could very well be about the music for Haven. Let us know what you thought about the format of this first one and what you’d like in the next ones by joining our Discord server! If you want to receive the next From the bakery directly in your inbox, you can subscribe to our newsletter!

Participez aux playtests de Haven cet été

Posted by on 05.02.19
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Venez participer aux playtests de notre prochain jeu Haven.
Les tests ont lieu à Montpellier, tout l’été à partir du mois de juin. Tous profils de joueuses et joueurs sont les bienvenus !
Plus d’infos dans le formulaire d’inscription.

Formulaire d’inscription :

Poste Level artiste / Artiste technique projet Haven

Posted by on 05.02.19
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[Poste pourvu]

Nous recherchons un ou une artiste expérimenté.e en level art / technical art pour participer à la production de notre jeu Haven pour consoles et PC.

Poste : Freelance ou CDD

Dates : A partir de juin – 6 mois.

Lieu : Au studio de Montpellier ou à distance (l’essentiel de notre équipe travaille déjà à distance)

Mission :

  • Level art : production et polish des environnements du jeu
  • Modelling décors et props
  • Intégration dans Unity (topology, textures, lighting)
  • Optimisation des assets pour les consoles
  • Est un plus : VFX et shaders

Travail en collaboration avec le directeur artistique technique et le directeur artistique environments, ainsi que le reste de l’équipe de production graphique.

Expérience :

Nous recherchons un.e artiste expérimenté.e qui pourra maitriser rapidement notre pipeline de production graphique avec Unity et produire des assets de qualité pour les environnements de Haven.
Une grande capacité d’adaptation et d’autonomie est requise.

Rémunération : Selon expérience

Pour postuler : Portfolio et un petit mot à

Merci de vos candidatures !

Offre de stage test / assurance qualité

Posted by on 05.02.19
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[Poste pourvu]

Nous recherchons un ou une stagiaire en  Assurance Qualité / Test pour nos jeux sur consoles et PC. Le stage est à pourvoir dès juillet.

Poste :  Stage conventionné

Dates : De juillet à décembre 2019

Lieu : Au studio de Montpellier

Mission :

  • Test de notre nouveau jeu Haven et de mises-à-jour de Furi
  • Rapport de bugs, étapes de reproduction, screenshots et captures vidéos
  • Vérification des corrections
  • Vérification des critères de certification des constructeurs
  • Préparation et déploiement des builds hebdomadaires
  • Participation à l’organisation et à l’analyse de playtests (avec des joueurs)

Le stage est encadré par un testeur expérimenté et a lieu au studio de Montpellier avec une partie de l’équipe, dont le directeur créatif. Il nécessite d’être en contact et communication avec toute l’équipe. Il permet de se familiariser avec tous les aspects du développement d’un jeu – qui plus est sur la dernière partie de la production. Les profils recherchés sont sérieux, appliqués, méthodiques, et ont le souci du détail.

Rémunération : Rémunération de stage conventionnelle (environ 554€/mois)

Pour postuler : Portfolio et un petit mot à

Merci de vos candidatures !

Furi Freedom Update available now – time to get started on the game?

Posted by on 04.04.19
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Hello fighters,

We’re happy to launch today a free update to Furi: the Freedom Update. With the update we’re bringing features and content developed for Furi over the last months to players on all platforms. The update includes the Invincible Mode, elusive boss Bernard, Speedrun in Furier and a new control scheme.

PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and versions are updated with their respective new content (see details below). The content has already been made available on Steam.

It’s also a great time to get started on the game that is heavily discounted up to 70% off (55% off on Switch, 70% off on Xbox One in the Deal with Gold, 65% off on, 65% off on Steam starting April 4 10AM PT). Furi’s tee-shirts, posters, artbook and soundtracks are also on sale up to 50% off on our store.

Come and discuss the update with Furi’s community on our on our Discord server.

Here’s a  new trailer for the occasion!

What to expect exactly in the update:

  • PS4Invincible Mode, Speedrun in Furier, Controls D. (You already have Bernard if you own Furi Definitive Edition or Furi and its DLC One More Fight)
  • Switch: Invincible Mode, Controls D. (You already have Bernard and Speedrun in Furier).
  • Xbox One: Bernard as extra boss, Invincible Mode, Speedrun in Furier, Controls D, replace HUD option.
  • GoG.comInvincible Mode, Speedrun in Furier, Controls D. (You already have Bernard if you own Furi and its DLC One More Fight).
  • Steam: All this content as already been made available to you over the last months. (You already have Bernard if you own Furi Definitive Edition or Furi and its DLC One More Fight)
  • Limited Run on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4, game and Collector Edition: the update should reach them in the following days.
  • Note: EA Origin, We Game, and some Asian versions are not updated.

More information on this extra content:

Bernard – Emeric Thoa our Creative Director and Benjamin Le Moullec Furi’s Combat Designer carefully designed each of the boss fights. They chose the weapons and special attacks, patterns, variations, phases, etc. To test the fights they used a prototype arena and boss, that the team nicknamed Bernard. As they were looking for a way to create an extra boss fight for the community, they thought about Bernard. They took inspiration from the best of all the bosses and designed a mashup boss fight using the prototype arena and character. Bernard might not look good but he certainly will give you a good fight!

Invincible mode – Furi’s been called difficult, but it’s also been praised for its visual universe, meaningful story or high energy soundtrack. Some players told us that the game was too difficult to master for them, and that they regretted to miss out on the story and the universe. That’s why we designed the Invincible mode. The Invincible mode is a set of commands that can be used to become invincible, skip a fight, skip or lock a certain phase in a fight, or weaken a boss. It enables anyone to enjoy the audiovisual and narrative experience that is Furi. But the Invincible mode also proves handy for the most hardcore players who want to practice their fight, in particular speedrunners looking to improve their record.

Speedrun in Furier – After you speedrun the game in Furi (normal) difficulty, you can now try to speedrun it in Furier (hard) difficulty. It takes less than 45 minutes to the best in the world to beat the game in Furier difficulty! Will you add your name to the top of the leaderboards?

We’ve also added a new control scheme D that helps dodging or parrying while shooting/slashing, and was designed based on discussions with the game community. Last, the update includes several improvements and minor fixes.

The update name has been chosen by Furi’s community on our Discord server!

Hope you enjoy those additions to Furi !

Audrey for The Game Bakers team

First glimpse at our new game (and it’s not Furi 2)

Posted by on 02.19.19
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We are pretty excited to share with you a first glimpse at our upcoming game Haven. Since most of you know us from Furi, well, it’s not Furi 2.

Haven is an Adventure RPG about everyday love, rebelling against the rules and also, food. You play as two lovers who escaped to a lost planet. The only thing that matters to them is to stay together.

The game will be available for PC and Consoles, and you will be able to play it solo, or with a special someone.

We’ve been working on it for over a year now, and we will share more with you soon. To stay posted, don’t hesitate to wishlist the game on Steam, join us on our Discord server or register for our very occasional newsletter.


Emeric, Audrey and The team at Game Bakers

Haven on Steam:

Haven web page:

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