That’s it, it happened silently during the night, probably when Chinese players started to realize they really really liked Squids, and not only in their soup. Yes, SQUIDS has now been enjoyed by more than 1 million players. A big thank you to all the players and SQUIDS fans, keep giving the game 5 stars, passing the word around to your friends, and blogging about us. This is what keeps us working on MORE: more updates, more platforms, more missions, more Squids and of course Yihaaa, SQUIDS Western Adventures. We have put together some information on the figures behind that million in the picture below. We hope you will enjoy it!
(Click on the picture for a bigger read)
We love the idea of our Squids being stretched everywhere on the planet and we are happy to celebrate this first milestone with you! But beware, the Black Torrent is spreading, and we need the word of mouth and support from fans more than ever to pursue Steev and his friends’ adventure!
© Copyright The Game Bakers
Très très belle réussite, bravo ! C’est tout à fait mérité pour Squids.
Je n’imaginais pas que l’équipe était à ce point éparpillée sur la planète 🙂
Non seulement cette réussite est vraiment méritée, mais je suis sûre que ce n’est qu’un début. On vous souhaite tout le meilleur pour la suite et on attend avec impatience Squids 2. Bravo à toute l’équipe et à chacun en particulier pour sa contribution.
Hmm…what is Squids?
The best game ever. Thanks for reading.
Have added to these totals. Found Kapono, my favorite music is the Squids main theme, and Steev has fallen into the abyss like 15 times under my command.